Translated Articles

In accordance with the Digital Services Act (DSA), we offer translations of our policies and guidelines in 24 languages. You may refer to the below links for translations of these policies in the respective language. 

Please note that the translations are for informational purposes only and, in case of conflict between the English language version of these Terms and any other version of the same, the English language version will prevail.

Bulgarian - Нашият ангажимент за доверие и безопасност

Croatian - Naša predanost povjerenju i sigurnosti

Czech - Náš závazek důvěry a bezpečnosti

Danish - Vores forpligtelse til tillid og sikkerhed

Dutch - Onze toewijding aan vertrouwen en veiligheid

Estonian - Usaldus ja ohutusartikleid

Finnish - luottamus- ja turvallisuusartikkeleita

French - Notre engagement envers la confiance et la sécurité

German - Vertrauens und Sicherheitsartikel

Greek - Άρθρα εμπιστοσύνης και ασφάλειας

Hungarian - Bizalmi és biztonsági cikkek

Irish - Airteagail Iontaobhais agus Sábháilteachta

Italian - Articoli su fiducia e sicurezza

Latvian - Uzticības un drošības raksti

Lithuanian - Pasitikėjimo ir saugos straipsniai

Maltese - Artikoli ta' Fiduċja u Sigurtà

Polish - Artykuły dotyczące zaufania i bezpieczeństwa

Portuguese - Artigos Sobre Confianca e segurança

Romanian - articole de încredere și siguranță

Slovak - Predmety dôvery a bezpečnosti

Slovenia - članki o zaupanju in varnosti

Spanish - Artículos de confianza y seguridad

Swedish - Förtroende och säkerhetsartiklar


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